Membership to Cincinnati Wildflower Preservation Society
(Ohio Native Plant Society, Southwestern Ohio Chapter)
Membership allows the Society to pay for its numerous lectures, three newsletters per year, internet and other direct expenses. And check our schedule for the many expert-led hikes that we provide each year. The Society also makes annual contributions to other Wildflower-related organizations. Our annual calendar runs from September to September. Though our hikes and lectures are open to the public, the Society would not exist without the support of its members.
We do not share any email (or snail mail) information with any other organization but would like to have member's email addresses to send reminders of our events, and notification of any program changes.
- In the future (but not yet, feature is underdevelopment) you may use the Paypal payment system to pay your memberships
(you may find videos on how to use Paypal at their website or on YouTube); or
- To pay by check, please print this page, fill it in, and mail with check to the address below!
** Membership Form- From Sept 2021 through September 2022**
Membership Dues (if you wish a two year membership through Sept 2022, please double the amount)
____Active $12 ____Family $20 ____Student $5 ____Contributing $25 ____Life $250
____Other ______Two-year membership (please double the above rates)
Name ___________________________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________________
Phone (area code- phone) _____________________________________________________________
Your E-Mail ________________________________________________________________________
Membership and email information is private and not shared with any other organizations.
Please make check out to “Cincinnati Wildflower Preservation Society”
And mail to: Dr. Randy Johnson, Treasurer ____ Send email reminders of events?
947 Volterra Lane ____ New Member?
Cincinnati, Ohio 45206 ____ Renewal?
_____ Please Send Newsletters by email, not snail mail
(Or contact Randy at or 513-751-2503 )